Tuesday 15 March 2011

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

I attracted my audience my audience by making the readers feel as though the people in the magazine are just like them. The clothes that the models are wearing are very casual and something that the readers themselves could wear. I have portrayed the band as being very similar to my target audience. This will make the audience more likely to connect with the people in the magazine and therefore buy the magazine.

Another way I attracted readers was by displaying a competition on the front cover. Download Festival is one of rock’s most coveted festivals and many people would love the chance to perform there. By giving people the chance to win a once in a lifetime experience such as this, people would be likely to pay the small price of the magazine to possibly get the chance to win. 

Also, by listing the other bands that feature in the magazine, if people don’t know/don’t like the main band, they have several alternatives to read about. Offering alternatives broadens the choices so that people aren't excluded if they don't like the featured band.

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