Thursday, 30 December 2010
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Monday, 20 December 2010
The publication that I would choose to distribute my magazine would be Bauer Media Group. This is because they are prolific with producing and distributing magazines throughout the UK. For example, they already publish Kerrang! and Q. As, Q is aimed at older readers and Kerrang! covers more punk/hard rock/metal it leaves a small gap for my magazine and its genre.
Also, as the group owns 50% of Box Television which covers channels such as Q TV, 4Music, Kiss TV, Kerrang! TV, The Box, Magic TV and Smash Hits this means that cross media advertising could be used to raise awareness of the magazine.
Also, as the group owns 50% of Box Television which covers channels such as Q TV, 4Music, Kiss TV, Kerrang! TV, The Box, Magic TV and Smash Hits this means that cross media advertising could be used to raise awareness of the magazine.
Saturday, 18 December 2010
Equipment Used
Panasonic Lumix TZ-5x
I used this camera because I didn't have access to a professional camera such as an SLR and this camera is able to take very clear images. Features of the camera that I were very useful to me when on my photo shoot:
- Wide viewing angle - can capture a subject or scene with more than a two times wider frame from the same perspective as a 35mm camera can.(This meant that I was able to capture the image that ended up being the background for my contents page)
- 10.1 megapixels
- Intelligent Exposure this corrects the parts of the image that are too dark or too bright, so images come out as naturally as you see them.
Photoshop Elements
I used this program to create my magazine because it would help me to produce the most professional looking magazine I possibly could. It was beneficial for me to use because although it has tools that many professionals would use, it is aimed at non-experts and those who aren't too familiar with the program.
While at school creating my magazine, I used the school's Apple Macbooks to create my magazine.
However, while I was at home, I used my Dell Studio to plan/research/construct my magazine.- Wide viewing angle - can capture a subject or scene with more than a two times wider frame from the same perspective as a 35mm camera can.(This meant that I was able to capture the image that ended up being the background for my contents page)
- 10.1 megapixels
- Intelligent Exposure this corrects the parts of the image that are too dark or too bright, so images come out as naturally as you see them.
Photoshop Elements
I used this program to create my magazine because it would help me to produce the most professional looking magazine I possibly could. It was beneficial for me to use because although it has tools that many professionals would use, it is aimed at non-experts and those who aren't too familiar with the program.
While at school creating my magazine, I used the school's Apple Macbooks to create my magazine.
I used Photobucket to host my images because it made it easier to have all of my images online where I could access them easily from whichever computer I was working on.
I used to create my brainstorm so I could efficiently display my ideas before I began the planning of my magazine.
Microsoft Office
I used Microsoft Office to create all of my documents. I used Powerpoint to create my mood board, which presented my ideas in a coherent way. I also used Microsoft Word when I was writing my article for the main magazine feature.
USB Stick
I used a USB Stick to transfer my files/documents from my school laptop to my laptop at home. By using this, it meant that I could work on my magazine in various different places such as in the library or at a friend's house.
Friday, 17 December 2010
Evaluation of completed magazine
Front Cover
My magazine’s main colours are red, yellow and blue. These colours go very well together, I like the way that they are very complimentary of each other. However, the shade of yellow I have chosen I feel is a little too bright. I think it would be beneficial for me to make the colour a bit duller to make it easier of the eyes for the readers and make them more likely to pick up the magazine and buy it.
The main image on the front cover is very good. I think the positioning of the ‘band members’ is very good, but I think that the lighting makes its professionalism decrease. The light is much brighter from the right hand side, it is not even. In magazines the light is much better, and much clearer. If I were to do this magazine again, I would perhaps use an SLR camera which would leave me with more professional images. I chose an image with a white background as it wouldn’t make the front colourful and overwhelming for the readers. I think that this decision has worked very well as it has given me much more freedom in the range of accent colours I can use for covers lines and the mast head.
On the front cover, I decided to only use two fonts, one for the main cover line and another for the other cover lines. I decided to do this because it makes it easier to distinguish the difference between the importance of the articles. Both of the fonts are clear and easy to read. But a downfall could be that the fonts are both quite normal, generic fonts and don’t lend themselves to telling the readers what genre of magazine it is. I should have used fonts with jagged edges or cracks in it to show the more edgy nature of the genre of music.
Contents page
My contents page has various different colours for the fonts. I think this is good because it separates each section of the contents for the reader at a glance. In the letter from the editor, I like the difference in font and colour. I think the three colours I have chosen – blue, purple and red – go very well together and aren’t too bright as to take focus away from the band members at the bottom of the page.
The image in the background of the contents I think is very good and looks very professional. I think the way that I have used the empty space at the top of the picture as a place to put the text enhances this. The quote that is placed in the bottom half of the page, I think was a good addition to the page because it lets people get an insight into the article and the people that it’s about.
However, I think that if I were to take the background image again, I would have made sure I’d taken the photo at a slightly different angle. Where I took the picture from, you can see plants in the bottom left hand corner. Because there aren’t any plants on the other side, it doesn’t balance out and I think that it doesn’t look as professional.
Also, most magazines don’t feature the same band on the front cover and also on the contents, so if I were to redo this part of the magazine, I would retake the picture with a different group of people so it would fit the conventions of this genre.
Features Article
I believe that my features article is very good. I have used two different texts for the headline of my article. They contrast a lot; a soft font for the words ‘Secret’ and ‘Party’, and the word ‘Moustache’ has a cleaner cut font. I think this highlights the name of the band, making it stand out. By having the image of the moustache in the same colour as the word moustache in the headline, shows a sense of cohesion. Also, the red used in the headline is the same red used on the tagline on the front cover; it makes the magazine seem like a complete unit.
The Polaroid on the right hand side of the first page overlaps onto the second page, I think that this shows
On the second page, there is a splash which shows how you can get in touch with the band. I think that this is a particularly good feature because the colour of the splash is red like the words in the headline on the other page. This balances the use of the red over the whole article.
On the right hand side of the page there is a strip of pictures of the band, it evens out the amount of words on the rest of the page. It makes the article look more like a professional article.
Thursday, 16 December 2010
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Weekly Update: Week 12
This week I have completed my features article on Photoshop. I am very happy with the way it has turned out. I think the colours of red, white and black go very well together and compliment each other. Although I sometimes found it hard to manipulate the images, but I made sure I learnt to do what I needed to do in order to make my images look the way I wanted them to.
Saturday, 20 November 2010
Weekly Update: Week 11
This week, I completed my contents page; I am happy with the way it looks now. I've started writing my article which I aim to complete for next week, so I can have a rough idea of how much text will be on the two pages and whether I will need to write any more/reduce the amount of text. For my article, I have taken a type of story that is used quite often in music magazines. Instead of a simple question/answer interview I will embed quotes and questions/answers into an article on the band.
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Weekly Update: Week 10
This week, I began constructing my contents page on Photoshop. I think I chose a good picture for the background because of its composition. However, it has taken me quite a while to decide which colours/sizes I want to use for my text. I've chosen one, which I think is good and easy to read so I'm going to stick with it and construct the rest of the page. And if necessary, I will change the font of all of the text once I have finished.
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Weekly Update: Week 9
I am very close to completing my front cover. I have finished choosing the fonts and writing out each part of the front cover. I've been working on placing them and making sure they are in the best possible place. I have found it hard to make everything go exactly where I want it to, as I've had to put things where they look best, not necessarily where I like them. This makes the magazine look better.
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Weekly Update: Week 8
This week, I began construction on my magazine; I started with my front cover. I used Photoshop to create the page and then I placed my image on top of it. I then began placing the text over the image and moving things around to make sure it looks just right.
However, I don't think this should have taken me as long as it did. Although I'm still on schedule, I think I could have completed this section a little quicker than I actually did.
However, I don't think this should have taken me as long as it did. Although I'm still on schedule, I think I could have completed this section a little quicker than I actually did.
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Weekly Update: Week 7
This weekend, my models and I went to the Southbank for the photo shoot, we took pictures in the skate park which I think reflects the type of music of the magazine. I feel the day was a success because I got many images that are suitable for use ion my front cover and the double page features article.
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Shooting Location
My chosen shooting location for my photo shoot was the Southbank. Firstly, I went to the skate park, I chose this location specifically because of its edgy look. This goes with the edgy, rebellious image of rock music.
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Weekly Update: Week 6
This week I found the people who would make up the band that I have created for my magazine. After asking my friends about their favourite type of music and whether they would be willing to be in my magazine, I got to three people. As soon as they agreed to take part, I told them where the photo shoot was taking place and what type of clothes they should wear. To cohere with my genre of music I told them the type of clothes I wanted them to wear. I showed them a few magazines with bands on the front, and then they let me know what items of clothing they had that they wanted to wear. At the end of the week, I know what all three of my models are going to be wearing when we do the photo shoot next week.
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Casting Decisions
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Rebecca B., 16 |
Christian L., 16 |
Natalya M., 16 |
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Weekly Update: Week 5
I have decided on a name for magazine. Amplified is the name I have chosen, I came to this decision after looking up different music terminology on the internet, and this wasn't just specific to my genre of music, but many. However, amplifiers are an integral part of any live rock show. If there weren't amplifiers then no on would be able to hear the music. This leads to another reason I have chosen it, if people don't buy the magazine, there is no way of them 'hearing' the music, which in the magazine's case is gig listing, interviews with musicians, and band news.
Also, I have completed flat plans so I have some idea of how I'm going to set out everything in my magazine.
Also, I have completed flat plans so I have some idea of how I'm going to set out everything in my magazine.
Saturday, 2 October 2010
Flat plan
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Front Cover |
Mostly everything on my front cover was the same as I'd prepared on my lay plan. Even after construction, I still thought the placing of the components still looked good and professional.
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Contents Page |
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Features Article |
Friday, 1 October 2010
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Weekly Update: Week 4
I've been researching into magazines that would be competing with my own [such as Kerrang! and NME] if I were to put my magazine on sale. By doing this I now know at around what amount to price my magazine, and I know conventions of music magazines.
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Existing Magazine Features Article Analysis: Kerrang!
Kerrang! article June 2008
The article has a loud, bright quote at the top of the article. It it a quote that's quite shocking. 'To call us a suicide cult is an insult!' It makes the reader wonder why they've been called a suicide cult. That, coupled with the picture of the teenagers all together and looking happy makes people again wonder why they've been targeted as a suicide cult.
At the bottom of the page, there are pictures of young people, and underneath there are quotes. By having pictures of the people, it makes people feel more of a connection toward them, and care what they are saying.
The yellow and black are quite bright so this makes it more interesting to the eye, so people are more likely to stop and take the time to read the article.
At the bottom of the page, there are pictures of young people, and underneath there are quotes. By having pictures of the people, it makes people feel more of a connection toward them, and care what they are saying.
The yellow and black are quite bright so this makes it more interesting to the eye, so people are more likely to stop and take the time to read the article.
Existing Magazine Features Article Analysis: NME
Article from NME magazine
The main colours on this page are blue and black. These colours are used in the font, the splash in the bottom left-hand corner and also to highlight important pieces of text, such as quotes. The blue is used more to be the background of quotes, this is useful because it makes it stand out and people can see it more easily.
Almost all of the left side of the page is an image of the band. They are wearing jeans and t-shirts, clothes that are worn quite a lot by young people. And they are also laying on a bed and there are posters on the wall behind them, this is like a typical teenagers room. This makes the reader feel as though the band are just like them, that they are regular people. This corresponds with the name of the band 'The Teenagers'.
A blue splash at the bottom left f the page is useful to the reader as it gives them the need-to-know facts about the band, so people can get to know them without reading the whole article. It also serves as a device which helps people to know whether they want to read the article. By reading this, they can easily see if it interest them or not.
By the title of the article, there is a bubble that says 'NME LOVES'. This indicates that this is a band that they like. As NME is a well-known and established magazine, many people trust their opinion and what they like/dislike.
On the right of the page, there is a strip which is completely different to that of the actual article. But is does relate, the band which the article is based on are very new and the people on the strip are also bands that are emerging. It is letting people know about the new music around. The title of this section of the magazine is 'RADAR' this indicates that these are bands that the magazine suggest people keep their eye on. It contrasts with the other side because the background of the article is white whereas the background of the article is black. This shows that although the bands on the strip are worth looking out for, that The Teenagers are the ones that they think are the best.
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Research into competition
Price: £2.20
Issued: Weekly
Published by: Bauer Media Group
Circulation: 134,000
Tag line: Life Is Loud.
Circulation: 134,000
Tag line: Life Is Loud.
Price: £2.30
Issued: Weekly
Published by: IPC Media
Circulation: 33,875
Tag Line: First For Music News.
Tag Line: First For Music News.
Rock Sound
Price: £3.80
Issued: Monthly
Published by: Rock Sound Ltd
Circulation: ?
Tag Line: New Music First.
Circulation: ?
Tag Line: New Music First.
Big Cheese
Price: £3.70
Issued: Monthly
Published: Independently
Circulation: ?
Tag Line: Alternative Music Mayhem. Lets people know the music it covers.
Tag Line: Alternative Music Mayhem. Lets people know the music it covers.
Price: £3.90
Issued: Monthly
Published by: Bauer Media Group
Circulation: 130, 179
Tag Line: The UK's Biggest Music Magazine. The magazine uses its popularity to get people to read it. Suggesting that so many people read it already, that other people should read it too.
Circulation: 130, 179
Tag Line: The UK's Biggest Music Magazine. The magazine uses its popularity to get people to read it. Suggesting that so many people read it already, that other people should read it too.
Existing Magazine Contents Page Analysis: SPIN
SPIN Magazine, August 2008
This contents page is much more simple than the others that I have analysed. Instead of having many pictures, there is one picture and this serves as the complete focus for this page.
The way the model (Duffy) is holding the ukelele and looks as though she is poised to smash it. This reflects the type of music that this magazine portrays. It is a rock/alternative magazine, so if shows an action that people think rock stars should be doing.
This writing on the side is much simpler than the other contents pages that I have looked at. by doing this is means that the reader is overwhelmed by lots of colours and images.
The logo for the magazine is in the top left-hand corner is just in the same place that it is on the front cover. This gives a sense of cohesion for the magazine, that everything is together. And the red of the logo contrast with the quite muted colours of the image. This makes it stand out and the name of the magazine gets reinforced in their head, they are more likely to remember it.
In the top right-hand corner, there is a quote from Duffy. This gives readers a little insight into her and the article. But because its so short they don't get to know very much, this will make people want to read the article to know what she's saying and what context it is in.
In the actual contents, which are placed next to the singer, are very simple. There is no background, but the names of the band are in bold, this means that it is easy to see which bands are in the magazine.
Existing Magazine Contents Page Analysis: NME
NME contents, November 2008
The main focus of this page, is the two pictures that are in the middle of the page. Underneath these images is a little article; this is very unconventional of a contents page, but the fact that it is different may lead people to want to read the article more.
The contents page as a whole, is very simple, with a round, clear font. The main colours are black and red, with yellow as an accent colour. The use of yellow as an accent colour is similar to the Kerrang!, the brightness of the colour is used again here to make things stand out more and catch the reader's eyes. Also, like Kerrang! there is a box which details how people can subscribe to the magazine. By having this information on the contents page which is very near the front, people are more likely to see it and read it, and perhaps, in turn, subscribe to this publication.
At the top, the bold, red, iconic NME logo is placed. By doing this, it reinforces what magazine it is. NME is a very well-known prestigious British music magazine, the fact that it has been around for years, and many people know of it, could make someone want to buy/read it more as it has been tried and tested. Also, it is placed on a thick, black banner, smaller versions of this to separate News from Features and so on. This gives another sense of continuity throughout the page.
On the left-hand side of the page, there is a list of bands and which page in the magazine these bands will be featured. This information is printed in red, whereas the rest of the contents (which is placed in order of what type of features it is) are printed in black ink. By doing this, the red and black contrast, and make each one look completely different from the other, showing their difference in information. By putting down only the bands, people can look through, spot their favourite band and go to that page straight away, regardless of what the article is about.
Existing magazine Contents page analysis: Kerrang!
Kerrang! contents page, November 2008
In the top right-hand corner, there is a letter from the editor, this makes readers feel as if they are being spoken to. They feel as if the editor has made this issue just for them, it also tells the reader an informal account of what happened to make the issue, and what is in it.
There is a use of many images of different bands. This is another way to show people what is inside the magazine at a glance, meaning they don't act6ually have to read anything before they can see the man things inside the issue.
The colours of yellow and black are carried througout the page, being used primarily for page numbers and sections of the magazine (e.g. Live Reviews, and Features). By making the page numbers such a bright colour against the contrasting black, they stand out. It means that if people look at the pictures and are interested, they can see the number very easily and turn to that page to read about who they are intersted in. There is one picture that is larger than the rest, this is because this is the band that most people would be interested in, so its easier for them to realise that this band is featured in the magazine.
A quote is used under the header 'Contents' this is by from a guitarist from a very famous band. What he says is quite odd and make intriuge people and make them want to read the article featuring his band.
At the bottom, in the right-hand corner, there is a red box. Immediately, this catches people's eye as it is the only place that red has really been used on the cover. But this box contain information of subscription to the magazine. This means that the colour wil catch people's eye and then they read the box and are more likely to consider subscribing to the magazine.
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Weekly Update: Week 3
I have been researching to magazines, what goes into them, what people buy them and why. By doing this research I've begun to think about the genre of music my magazine will cover. Taking into account that I already read a few music magazines on a regular basis and the type of music I prefer, I have decided to do a magazine that focuses on the rock and indie genres. By doing this, I think it will be beneficial because I have more knowledge of the type of music and what the magazines contain/what magazines of this genre usually include.
Friday, 24 September 2010
Analysis of existing music magazine covers: Kerrang!
This image is a cover of Kerrang magazine which was published in November 2007.
The main image on the cover is of a man playing a guitar, to people who are familiar with this genre of music will be able to identify him as Matt Bellamy, lead singer/guitarist for Muse. This will attract people who are a fan of his music, and because he is in one of the biggest bands in the world and has many fans in the UK, people may be more inclined to buy this issue of the magazine. The fact that the picture is obviously from a live concert and not shot in a studio gives readers an immediate insight into what the main feature is. And the fact that the number 100 is quite large will entice potential readers to buy the magazine because there's such a big amount of gigs that are displayed.
Matt Bellamy's head is placed in front of the name of the magazine, which is Kerrang!. The mgazine is one of the biggest rock magazines in the UK, so by putting his head in front of the name, it trusts that readers know what the magazine is already and aren't using that to gain readers. Placed on top of the magazine's name is the phrase 'Life is Loud', this reflects the type of music it is promoting, rock music is known as a genre which is often very loud and will appeal to people who enjoy this type of music.
The colour of Matt Bellamy's clothes is red, this corresponds with the tagline of 'Life is Loud' and the other feature on the bottom right. The name of the magazine is black and also has a shattered effect, this again corresponds with the genre of music which is supports.
The second main colour is yellow, this is used on the strip of pictures on the left-hand side, the skyline at the top, and the line underneath the main cover line. This shows continuity throughout the cover and also goes very well with red.
On the left-hand side of the page, there is a strip of pictures featuring other bands. This is used so that, if people aren't very interested in the main features, there are other things that they could read, it offers an alternative, as does flash shown in the bottom right-hand corner.
Matt Bellamy's head is placed in front of the name of the magazine, which is Kerrang!. The mgazine is one of the biggest rock magazines in the UK, so by putting his head in front of the name, it trusts that readers know what the magazine is already and aren't using that to gain readers. Placed on top of the magazine's name is the phrase 'Life is Loud', this reflects the type of music it is promoting, rock music is known as a genre which is often very loud and will appeal to people who enjoy this type of music.
The colour of Matt Bellamy's clothes is red, this corresponds with the tagline of 'Life is Loud' and the other feature on the bottom right. The name of the magazine is black and also has a shattered effect, this again corresponds with the genre of music which is supports.
The second main colour is yellow, this is used on the strip of pictures on the left-hand side, the skyline at the top, and the line underneath the main cover line. This shows continuity throughout the cover and also goes very well with red.
On the left-hand side of the page, there is a strip of pictures featuring other bands. This is used so that, if people aren't very interested in the main features, there are other things that they could read, it offers an alternative, as does flash shown in the bottom right-hand corner.
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